Friday, October 12, 2007

Kalo yang ini kumpulan picture naruto

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Nih gambar - gambar animasi kensi himura

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

Mumpung masi ada waktu

semakin tinggi ilmu seseorang akan semakin tinggi derajatnya dimata yg lain jika dia berbagi ilmunya dengan yg lain...namun jika dia tidak berbagi ilmunya dengan yg lain,,maka untuk menginjak harga dirinya pun orang jijik, dan yg makin parah ilmu dia yg tinggi itu tak ada gunanya buat yg lain maupun dirinya sendiri...maka berbagilah ilmu mu maka kau akan mendapatkan ilmu yg lebih...jika tak mau berbagi sama aja dengan dirimu memiliki pisau yg tajam tapi tak diperbolehkan orang lain untuk memakainya,,,maka pisau itu pun hanya tersimpan sebagai pajangan yg tiada guna..

jangan pernah tersinggung akan tulisan ini krn tidak akan merubah apapun,,dan jangan juga perna merubah apapun akan dirimu, krn itu juga tak akan membantu, tapi buatlah kepribadian baru yg akan menutupi kekuranganmu.

Game Online

nih dia game baru yg lagi gw maenin skr ini domo uh gambarnya lucu - lucu...hueheheheheeheh..ya lumayan lah buat iseng - iseng sambil nunggu buka puasa...klo ada yg maen domo juga terus diserver red phoniek add gw sebagai teman ya...character gw di domo itu Koplak....klo mo ikutan maen download aja dulu di domo..terus daftar deh..abis daftar maen deh..klo uda maen baru deh cari gw disana..hehehehehehehe

Pemanasan Global Didalam Kepala

Fiuh beberapa hari belajar ngblog ternyata terjadi pemanasan global didalem otak..ini disebabkan karena otak gw yg kaga sampe..hueheheheheheehehehe..duh sampe skr gw masi lom lancar pake nih blog..kaga tau kudu post ape,,ya udee gue tulis kek gini aje deh jadinyee...yg pasti thanks buat om rohman atas blog tutorialnya,,,berguna bgt pelajarannya..keknya om rohman itu guru ngblog online..semua trik - triknya gampang - gampang susah..tapi selama keinginan belajer u gede gak masalah sih semua akan terlewati dengan sendirinya...thanks..thanks..GBU..

Saturday, October 6, 2007


ini dia kumpulan kartun buat lo yg gila sama kartu coba click
disini nah lo puas puasin deh buka cartoon animasinya

Blog tutorial: Perkenalkan Situs

Blog tutorial: Perkenalkan Situs


Technorati Profile

Saur -Saur kangen sama Dini

Duh saur hari ini bener - bener dah..semua serba panas,,gara - gara kelaperan maen santap alhasil abis lah lidah gw kepanasan,,tapi gpp walau uda kepanasan yg penting ntar siang bisa ketemu sama yayang dini..duh uda lama bgt nih gak ketemu sama yayangku....

cayang dini,,cayang dini..besok jng capek buat bangunin aku ya???km kan tau aku kayak kebo kalo uda bobo...hehehehehehehehehe...

din...just close your eyes and feel free your body..and then imagine that i'm beside you, hug you, kiss you and take care of you..only one thing that u must remember that i love you so much..

Friday, October 5, 2007

My Dream car's

I can imagine if i have that's car

Distinctive Design

The Alphard MZ and MS models share a distinctive, sturdy frontal design that exudes regal dignity. The magnificent front grille design is coupled with a comprehensive feature-set for an active and dynamic, attention-grabbing image.

Deluxe Cabin Deluxe Interior

The majestic, lavish interior cabin boasts the latest technological innovations to deliver supreme enjoyment. This ultimate comfort zone features luxurious leather seating, woodgrain paneling, and ample leg and headroom.

Dynamic Performance Your safety is the ultimate priority.

The Alphard is powered by a high-performance 3.0-litre V6DOHC, 24-valve VVT-i engine. The specially-designed transmission and integrated suspension remit outstanding manoevrability and cruising stability, while ensuring the high levels of comfort and cabin quietness expected from a deluxe sedan.

Safety Your safety is the ultimate priority.

Safety comes first, with the Alphard's world-class active and passive protection feature-set that ensures all-round peace of mind for driver and passengers.

that's the best performace from that car. Alphard I love u so much.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Miss You

tonight i'm alone in my room,,,with my computer writte this to u and hope u'll read this..

maybe i'm not the strong man that can keep his heart that he miss someone special in his life..i'm wait for so long to meet her..when i meet her, i'll hug her till everything can't break us..

Dini..i call her dini..a girl with a love come to my heart and knock my heart until i'm woke up from the dark of my heart...she came with the light that can make my heart feel like a never felt before..she's always be in my heart till the end of the day..

you know??i don't know how to said that i love and i miss u so much my love..eventhough i always say's that i miss u so much..i hope u understood what i'm feel..din fight u'r negative thingking that makes u broke your heart ok??and believe me that i'm here for you and just for you that always waiting for you...

everynight i alwasy pray "god please make her to be my wife" AMIN

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

For reading only

The choice
This is a website that has been save for open in off line. This web explaining about the choice that maybe will make you thing twice before take some better for your life. Just click Download . And u will fine some thing news.


Basic Virus maker

Visual basic learn


morning morning....oohhh i'm so tired to learn about making blog..but so far i enjoyed this new one...dini i miss you so much, i need u, i love u so much, cepet pulang ok..what i'm doing here just for fun and try something new, but i tired, hehehehehe,,, does anyone want to PIJITIN me?wekekekekekeekkekeke...hope all of you ejoyed this blog